Power of Presence $397

Learn the inner tools of mindfulness to transform your brain and life through this 6 week transformative online program...
  • Feel more focussed, present and productive in your daily life
  • Be more in control of your emotions
  • Get better at managing stress, and feel more calm, relaxed and confident in all areas of your life
  • Be more courageous and take the leaps needed to find a deeply satisfying career, or relationship
  • Learn how to stop worrying and be more confident in making decisions to reach your full potential
  • Stop the mind chatter and inner critic from holding you back in life
We’re constantly upgrading our Iphones and computers, but what about upgrading the inner technology of our own brains?
The 6 week Power of Presence online mindfulness and emotional intelligence program will reduce your stress and worry, build greater focus, emotional balance and resilience in daily life.
You'll experience more space, find more focus and improve your day-to-day productivity. The inner tools you'll learn are all backed by the latest neuroscience. Get immediate access when you register.


Access to exclusive teachings from the world’s leading mindfulness and emotional intelligence experts.  

18 x guest expert masterclass videos. Integrate powerful mindfulness practices into your life for improved wellbeing, greater creativity,  focus,  compassion and resilience.

24hr access to guided meditations over the program (with access for 6 months) and a downloadable mindful eating recipe book.

Twice weekly supportive email reminders to keep you on track.

Written transcripts of all of the monthly video interviews. Turn these powerful mindfulness tools into transformative practices in your everyday life. 

Downloadable meditation journal to help you monitor your progress. This journal will keep you on track and support you in building a habit of meditation.

Exclusive access to a supportive  virtual community for 6 weeks of the program. Get bonus resources and have all of your ongoing mindfulness questions answered. 

6 weeks access to Elise's personal input, and mindfulness expertise. Have your questions answered, get personalised advice on tailoring the practice to suit your life. 

Be inspired and learn new healthy whole food recipes with the downloadable digital mindful eating recipe book.  Learn how to eat mindfully to enjoy your food more, lose weight and kick unhealthy eating habits. 


Try out one of the many guided meditations included in the Mind Life Project meditation library that you can access 24hrs a day to tap into greater calm.


  • You’re new to meditation and curious to learn what it’s all about.
  • You’ve done a meditation course before but can’t seem to make it stick to feel the benefits of a mind that is focussed, calm and clear
  • You want to manage your stress and cope better with your current challenges 
  • You have trouble prioritising your own self care and want to avoid falling into burn out from chronic stress and constantly putting your needs last
  • You're in a difficult life transition and need a way to manage the uncertainty and fear
  • You want to get better control over your emotions like anger, fear, and impatience
  • You want to be more confident and courageous and take risks to follow your dreams
  • You often feel like you’re "not enough" (not a good enough mother, father, lover, or haven’t achieved enough in your life)
  • You want to feel a deep sense of worth and fulfilment
  • You want to be more self confident particularly with decision making
  • You want a powerful way to quiet your mind and free yourself  from worry



Elise Bialylew is author of the no#1 bestselling meditation book, The Happiness Plan and founder of Mindful in May, the world’s largest online global mindfulness fundraising campaign that teaches thousands of people each year to meditate, while raising funds to build clean water projects in the developing world. A doctor trained in psychiatry, turned social entrepreneur and mindfulness expert, she’s passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to develop inner tools for greater wellbeing and flourishing. Her work has featured in the Huffington Post, New York Times, and on Australian Television and radio.

Richie Davidson 

Sara Lazar 

Dr Craig Hassed

BJ Fogg

Rick Hanson 

Mark Coleman

Tara Brach

David Rock

Gregory Kramer

Susan Piver

Kristin Neff

Dr Daniel Siegel

Carol Dweck

Trudy Goodman

Jeffrey Schwartz

Dr Barbara Fredrickson

Tal Ben Shahar

Sharon Salzberg


Each week you’ll hear from world leaders in the field of mindfulness and the brain. You will learn:

Week One

Mindful Foundations: Overcoming the common obstacles in mindfulness training

  • What is mindfulness and what the science demonstrates about it's transformative benefits
  • The "dose" of mindfulness we need in order to experience transformations
  • A powerful practice to manage the stress with greater ease and calm
  • The power of mindfulness to effect our genes
  • Expert predictions about the future of mindfulness in our society

Susan Piver

Susan Piver, bestselling author of six books and a student of Buddhism since 1995, teaches workshops on meditation, relationships and creativity. She is a frequent guest on network television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, and The Tyra Banks Show. In 2011, she launched The Open Heart Project to teach meditation.

Week Two

Sharpen your focus and create habits that stick

  • A common obstacle to making meditation a habit and tips on overcoming it
  • The most important secret to creating habits that last
  • An exploration of the brain's negativity bias and how to overcome it to boost your happiness and positivity
  • Powerful inner tools to manage difficult emotions (eg. anxiety, fear, anger, sadness) more effectively 

Susan Piver

Susan Piver, bestselling author of six books and a student of Buddhism since 1995, teaches workshops on meditation, relationships and creativity. She is a frequent guest on network television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, and The Tyra Banks Show. In 2011, she launched The Open Heart Project to teach meditation.

Week Three

Manage stress and master your emotions

  • How mindfulness can help us develop “shock absorbers” against stress
  • A powerful practice to help you manage fear and anxiety
  • Tools to bring mindfulness into communication to create more fulfilling relationships at home and at work
  • Two powerful circuits in the brain that you can use to your advantage to stay calm under pressure

Susan Piver

Susan Piver, bestselling author of six books and a student of Buddhism since 1995, teaches workshops on meditation, relationships and creativity. She is a frequent guest on network television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, and The Tyra Banks Show. In 2011, she launched The Open Heart Project to teach meditation.

Week Four

Build resilience, compassion and creativity

  • A simple practice to help you overcome the inner critic 
  • A practice to help you manage emotional reactivity and become more resilient under stress
  • Latest research around compassion and how you can actively practice greater self compassion
  • The powerful relationship between meditation and creativity and how it can help you tap into greater intuition.

Susan Piver

Susan Piver, bestselling author of six books and a student of Buddhism since 1995, teaches workshops on meditation, relationships and creativity. She is a frequent guest on network television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, and The Tyra Banks Show. In 2011, she launched The Open Heart Project to teach meditation.

Week Five

Master your mind 

  • How to turn challenges into opportunity for growth and resilience
  • A powerful practice that will help you create a mindset for greater growth and possibilities
  • How to become a master of your own thoughts and create greater possibilities and freedom in life
  • Develop a revolutionary new relationship with your thoughts that will reduce your stress and build resilience
  • How to change the neural pathways in your brain towards greater happiness, and less stress

Susan Piver

Susan Piver, bestselling author of six books and a student of Buddhism since 1995, teaches workshops on meditation, relationships and creativity. She is a frequent guest on network television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, and The Tyra Banks Show. In 2011, she launched The Open Heart Project to teach meditation.

Week Six

Boost Happiness and live meaningfully 

  • A powerful science backed gratitude practice to boost your happiness
  • A transformative practice to bring more love into your life and deepen your intimacy and relationships
  • Groundbreaking research around emotions and how you can harness positive emotions to heal your body
  • The most important ingredients to add to your life to boost your happiness
  • A crucial electrical pathway in your heart and how to harness it's power for greater health and happiness 

Susan Piver

Susan Piver, bestselling author of six books and a student of Buddhism since 1995, teaches workshops on meditation, relationships and creativity. She is a frequent guest on network television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, and The Tyra Banks Show. In 2011, she launched The Open Heart Project to teach meditation.

As a doctor specialised in psychiatry, mindfulness expert and and author of no#1 bestselling meditation book, The Happiness Plan, I’m passionate about offering this training because I know it works.
Having discovered the incredible power of mindfulness in my own life, I knew that it could help others too.
But if you tell a busy executive or an overwhelmed parent of three (or anyone in between) to fit in an hour’s worth of yoga or sit and meditate for half an hour every morning, you can bet their reaction is going to be something like this:


And I get it – I truly do.
See, a lot of stress-relieving techniques just simply aren’t practical. On top of that, many are steeped in religious dogma that a lot of people aren’t comfortable with. And meditation is often really misunderstood – most people think it’s about stopping your thoughts – which it’s not!
Thinking about mindfulness in this way means you’re missing out on a truckload of potential benefits.
Not to mention: it’s not true.
Mindfulness meditation – is actually a practice that has been proven by science to help rewire your brain, calm your body’s stress response, and improve your ability to deal with the ups and downs of daily life.
Mindfulness techniques are being used by world leaders, CEOs, elite athletes, artists and entertainers across the globe to help them perform at their peak, deal with stress, and feel better along the way.
And now you can experience the benefits for yourself…
Through the Power of Presence program you’ll be supported over the next 6-weeks to learn the inner tools to outer flourishing.


18 x guest expert video masterclasses released weekly 

You’ll hear from world leading guest experts who share powerful teachings around how to apply mindfulness to different aspects of your life and expand your toolkit for greater resilience, courage, focus and creativity.

Valued = $3600

Guided meditations to improve your mind and life

Stay on track with guided meditations for sleep, greater focus, deeper relaxation and managing stress. Tune into your online oasis of calm at any hour of the day.

Valued = $947

Be supported through an online community for 6 weeks

You’ll find extra resources shared in this exclusive Facebook group including articles, books , occasional spontaneous guided meditations with Elise. This as a supportive community that will help you stick to your practice, share resources and help you stay motivated to meditate. Elise will be regularly inside the Facebook group answering your questions and supporting you over the 6-weeks of the program.

Valued = $497

Downloadable digital mindful recipe book

Discover new recipes and learn how to bring mindful eating into your everyday life. You’ll receive inspiration from some of Australia’s best foodies.

Valued = $14

A monthly online book club

During your 6-week program take part in the monthly book club that takes place in the Facebook group. Discover new books that will inspire and transform you and be supported by the book club to transform this new knowledge into actionable steps that will transform your life.

Valued = $75

Transcripts of all of the video interviews to keep

Print these out and read them to consolidate your learning. Absorb the powerful tools and strategies that will transform your life.

Valued = $69

6-months access to the entire Power of Presence program meditations and interviews

Return to your favourite meditation practices 24hrs a day – an instant doorway into greater calm, ease and focus. When you’re  emotionally triggered or overwhelmed, you’ll have this library as your 24hr sanctuary.

Valued = $1247

Total Value = $6449 

You get all of this as part of the Power of Presence Online Program

Price = $6449  $397


Like a personal trainer for your mind, this program will teach you how to meditate and master your mind through weekly lessons and a library of meditations.

Stay on track with a supportive virtual community for 6-weeks to develop a mind that will function at its best.

Join the 6 week Power of Presence Program for only $397

Find answers to your frequently asked questions here.